Top 5 Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

Social media sites, like Twitter and LinkedIn, are great tools for marketing law firms. However, to get the most from these platforms, you need to have a clear social media marketing strategy. Social media for law firms is a tool that can position you as genuine, knowledgeable and trustworthy, which can lead to new clients.

Here we look at exactly what you should be doing – and not doing – when managing social media for a law firm.

The dos of social media marketing

Social media is all about building a brand, which is why it is so good for marketing for law firms. To do this, everything you do needs to be consistent in tone and message, and honestly reflect your firm’s ethos. As such, you should aim to:

  1. Pick your platforms carefully: Different social media sites appeal to different audiences, and you do not need to be on all of them. Focusing on 1 or 2 key platforms will help you target your content and minimise the management effort required.
  1. Post regularly: Publishing content 1 – 2 times a week will keep your followers informed and engaged. A good social media plan will make managing this easier, allowing you to schedule your posts ahead of time.
  1. Monitor responses: How you reply to comments on your posts is almost as important as the original content you publish. Promptly responding to replies and mentions in an open and honest way will also help boost engagement and encourage interaction.
  1. Acknowledge the source of your content: Sharing others’ content on your social media channels is a great way to reinforce your connections and grow your network. Make sure you always tag the original poster and credit the creator of any photos or videos you post.
  1. Share more videos: Short clips can deliver quick bits of information while longer videos can deliver extended messages. Video gets more exposure and engagement, while at the same time, it can be repurposed for multiple platforms.

The do nots of running a law firm social media account

While there are plenty of things you can do on social media, not all of them are things you should do. Specifically, you should avoid:

  1. Blanket posts across all channels: Each social media platform works slightly differently and targets a slightly different audience in a slightly different way. As such, you need to tailor your content to suit the site you plan to post it on.
  1. Forget to check the details: Social media posts are still professional communications and their content and presentation will reflect on your firm. As such, it is important they are factually and grammatically correct, and free of typos and spelling mistakes.
  1. Use too much corporate speak: While your posts should be professional, they also need to be accessible and show a bit of personality. This will help your firm stand out from the crowd and should boost engagement with both your brand and social media presence.
  1. Overlook the power of hashtags: On some sites, like Twitter and LinkedIn, including hashtags in your posts can really boost their reach. However, these should be applied mindfully and only to posts on sites that actually use hashtags.
  1. Deleting or not responding to negative comments: It is important to acknowledge and respond to negative comments. Take time to reply and do not reply immediately, especially if it feels like a personal attack. When you are ready, write a short, non-confrontational reply that shows that you have read and understood the issue(s) raised, even if they’re unfounded. This shows both the person who has posted the comment and others reading it, that your firm hears their concerns and are taking the steps to rectify it to avoid this happening in the future.

Our marketing team recently developed the Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing. To download this guide and to get a better understand of how to use social media for law firms, click here.

Want more information?

If you need help getting the most from your social media activities, call Lift Legal Marketing. We are experts in law firm marketing and can help you develop a tailored social media strategy. Book an appointment or call us to discuss your requirements and how we can help you take your social media to the next level.

About the author
Peter Heazlewood

Peter Heazlewood

Peter Heazlewood is a management and marketing consultant, he specialises in helping law firms develop their practices using business planning marketing and performance reporting techniques refined in his own successful law firm. Peter lives in Sydney with his wife and is the father of five adult children.
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