What makes a good law firm website?

Your website could be your first introduction to potential clients, so you want to make a good first impression. We have some advice to help you create a law firm website that clearly communicates to potential clients and assures them they’re in the right hands.

Here is a Summary on a Good Law Firm Website:

• Client-friendly – Easy to read and find information
• SEO optimised with keywords
• Consistent branding and strong graphics
• Performance enhanced user experience
• Have an About Us page with company images
• Make sure all contact information is up to date

Create a client-friendly website
A good law firm website makes it easy for clients to find information. A client-friendly website will have a professionally designed homepage with a navigation menu providing dropdowns linking to further information. Examples of website menu titles include ‘About us’, ‘Services’ and ‘Contact’. A website with a short menu of options and applicable dropdown links will help potential clients get quick and easy access to further information. It is important that you consider how much information to include on your website’s homepage. You should aim for simple, but effective.

Presentation is everything
All of the best law firm websites have strong branding so that the minute your potential client’s eyes land on the page they know exactly who they are dealing with. Being the visual creatures we are, graphics and images can speak to potential clients louder (and quicker) than words. Investing in professional imagery enhances your branding and promotes trust. Along with a brand rich home page, consider adding a profile section with photos and short summaries about your lawyers. A profile section will familiarise potential clients with your law firm and can help begin to build trust.

Focus on user experience
A potential client is coming to your website to find out more about your services. Create your website content by considering what is helpful for a client to know in 2022. You should focus on how your legal work can assist them and highlight your areas of expertise. The information about your services will likely lead a potential client to book a consultation. Therefore, make it easy for a client to get in contact: whether by phone, email, form, or by using an online scheduling system. Providing clear and easy links to booking and contact information ensures your website is working for the user, and for you.

SEO considerations
When you have a fantastic looking website full of good information, you want people to find it. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps your website to rank higher in search engine results so potential clients can find your service offerings easily. Search engines look for ‘keywords’ on websites, based on what is being searched for. If a client searches for ‘estate planning lawyers’, and your firm offers that service, you want to repeat words and phrases that include ‘estate planning’ across your website. You can do this by posting an estate planning article on your website, mentioning it on your service offering page, and ensuring it features in your lawyer’s summaries. Your website should also link to your social media pages so any new clients can easily search across all your online platforms.

Get that great website going
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of your depth when it comes to creating a good law firm website? Let us help to create a great website for you. Get in touch and talk to us; we know exactly what to do. Contact our National Client Success Manager, Rachel Brus, on 1300 881 811 or book a consultation today.

About the author
Rachel Brus

Rachel Brus

With over 25 years of sales and customer experience, Rachel’s methodology and approach is to work closely alongside law firm owners or key stakeholders to truly understand their business’s unique strengths. In turn, her goal is to ensure that their sales and marketing campaigns are successfully set up to reflect this and are delivered on time and in line with mutually agreed expectations and outcomes.

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